
A Home Away from Home

& Values

Jewish Pride
The Rohr Chabad at UCI
10 Year Celebration
Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 5:30 PM
UCI Student Center - Pacific Ballroom
311 W. Peltason Dr. Irvine, CA 92697
Sushi & Open Bar - Gourmet Dinner - Student & Alumni Reflections - Entertainment
You are cordially invited to

Invest in a Bright Jewish Future
Become a Patron of Chabad at UCI
Diamond Patron $18,000 – Acknowledged with a Diamond Level Gift of Appreciation (in award Gallery) & Diamond Ad in Tribute Gallery (Includes 15 Tickets to Dinner)
Gold Patron $9,000 - Acknowledged with a Gold Gift Level of Appreciation (in award Gallery)
& Gold Ad in Tribute Gallery (Includes 10 Tickets to Dinner)
Silver Patron $5,400 - Acknowledged with a Silver Level Gift of Appreciation (in award Gallery)
& Silver Ad in Tribute Gallery (Includes 6 Tickets to Dinner)
Bronze Patron $3,600 – Acknowledged with a Bronze Level Gift of Appreciation (in award Gallery)
& Bronze Ad in Tribute Gallery (Includes 4 Tickets to Dinner)
Chai Patron $1,800 – Acknowledged with a Chai Level Gift of Appreciation (in award Gallery)
& Chai Ad in Tribute Gallery (Includes 2 Tickets to Dinner)
Patron contributions may be made in monthly or quarterly donations.
Couvert $180 per Person ~ Young Alumni Ticket (under 30) $100 per Person
Tribute Gallery
The Tribute Gallery is a beautiful way to congratulate one of our Honorees
or recognize a loved one and salute Chabad at UCI on this milestone.
Gold Ad $720 | Silver Ad $540 | Bronze Ad $360
Tribute Ad $180 | Alumni Shoutout $72