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The Yaeger-Bisgay
Chabad at UCI
Unity Torah

Torah Dedications

Thank you for your interest in joining this great Mitzvah and being part of
the Chabad at UCI Unity Torah.


If you would like guidance in selecting a dedication that has personal meaning to you,
please contact Rabbi Zevi at 949-280-8998 or via email at

Dedication Payment Options:

By Mail – Donations can be made to Chahabd at UCI – 12 Oxford Irvine CA 92612. Please write the portion you would like to dedicate in the check “memo”.

Online – Please complete the form below.

Torah Ornaments

Beautiful Sterling Silver Crown,
to adorn the Torah engraved
with will be engraved with
 your family name.

Dedication of $5,400

Eitz Chaim (Right)
Silverplate on the Torah's ornamental roller engraved 

with your dedication.

 Benyamin & Polina 

In Loving Memory of 
Vladimir Gumenikov

Eitz Chaim (Left)
Silverplate on the Torah's ornamental rollers engraved 

with your dedication.
Ariel Barnoy '16
In loving Memory of Frieda Barnoy

Beautiful Sterling Silver pointer to be used for the reading of the Torah will be engraved with your family name.

Dr. Bahman and Sima
Lalezari and Family

Special Sections 

The Ten Commandments 
Giving of the Torah at Sinai

Dedication of $1,800

Shema Yisroel 
The Paragraph of Shema
Dedication of $1,800
The David Rock Foundation 

Birchat Kohanim
The Priestly Blessings

Dedication of $1,800
Allan & Carol Gindi

Portion of Manna
Blessing for Livelihood
Dedication of $1,800
Ory & Linda Schwartz

Special Verses

Ve'Ahavta Lere'acah 
Love your neighbor

Dedication of $1,000

Blenden Family

Ha'Malach Ha'Goel
Blessing of Children
Dedication of $1,000
Ronen & Liat Vaisenberg 

Hashem Hashem
Thirteen Attributes of Mercy

Dedication of $1,000
Beroukhim Family

Chabad's Outreach Motto
Dedication of $1,000
Liberman Family

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